Wednesday Night Supper
5:30 PM
A meal is available on most Wednesday nights to allow for a time of fellowship and nourishment for those who wish to attend. Adults meals for $5 and children’s meals are $4 each. Those who wish to attend are asked to complete a reservation card during Sunday worship and leave it in the offering plate or to contact the church office before Tuesday afternoon. This provides sufficient time for the cook for the week to plan for the appropriate number of attendees.
Wednesday Bible Study
6:30 PM
Following the meal, our Pastor leads a Bible Study session to provide members an opportunity for growth through learning more about the Bible and about God.
Adult Choir
Sunday at 11:00 AM
Wednesday at 7:30 PM

The Adult Choir leads us in worship and reflection each Sunday with beautiful arrangements that range from traditional Christian to contemporary Christian. Our choir leader is Jenny Kirby and our pianist is Jane Stephens. The Adult Choir welcomes new members and practices in the Sanctuary.
Sr. Adult (Triple S) Program
Third Tuesday of each month at 9:00 AM
Our adults and senior adults have a variety of opportunities for ministry and fellowship.
On the third Tuesday of each month, we meet at a local restaurant for breakfast at 9:00AM. Service projects are scheduled during the year as well as special ministry involving the church family. Family and friends picnics, Homecoming Sunday, and other special events keep our fellowship busy throughout the year.
On the third Tuesday of each month, we meet at a local restaurant for breakfast at 9:00AM. Service projects are scheduled during the year as well as special ministry involving the church family. Family and friends picnics, Homecoming Sunday, and other special events keep our fellowship busy throughout the year.
Outreach Programs & Events
Service projects are scheduled during the year as well as special ministries that involve the entire church family. Our community outreach is incorporated into the many events of our church, such as our Family picnics, Fall Festival, Homecoming Sunday, Thanksgiving and Christmas programs as well as other special events. Our church family keeps active and involved throughout the year.